However, that’s not to say the tea doesn’t help with weight loss in general. When disregarding the fact that the tea is a natural diuretic and you will lose water weight in the first couple of days, there are signs of overall weight loss with consistent use of the tea. We must also state that when drinking the tea for weight loss, you must eat healthily and exercise consistently to see the full benefits. Like everything we recommend on our website, we like to reiterate the point that there is no magic weight loss pill or tea of any kind that can help you shed off pounds without putting in the work. 
Josh holds a Bachelor's degree in Exercise Physiology and Nutrition Science. He's a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) by the National Strength and Conditioning Association. He's worked as a Strength and Conditioning Coach at the high school and college level. He has over 10 years experience as a personal trainer and nutrition coach. He is also the author of The Flat Belly Formula. He hopes to be able to bring inspiration & results to people all over the world to live a healthier life through diet & exercise. 

The makers of Iaso Tea, total life changes tea, have claimed that their tea gives individuals a boost in physical energy and mental clarity as a result of the other benefits of the tea such as detoxification. This is because toxins are known to slow the body and impact the way your brain works. The tea can help restore mental clarity and deliver a decent amount of energy after you start to drink it over time. 

Yogi Detox tea is the perfect drink to accompany your morning meal or end your day with. Consumers have turned to it as a replacement drink for some of their beverages throughout the day, whether they be plain water or unhealthy soda and juices. If you’re curious to discover if this product can help lose weight or to detox from unhealthy contaminants, check out our reviews below!

I have personally experienced many wonderful anti-aging benefits with cleansing tea detox. The skin starts looking healthier as it gets all the nutrition it needs at the collagen level. All of the vitamins and minerals repair and restore the skin’s healthy glow. My hair is also looking shinier. Since the antioxidants fight free radical damage, you are unknowingly fighting many harmful age-related diseases as well.
I don’t normally write reviews but, this stuff deserves one. Not only does it do what it says it will, it tastes great! As with anything in life you have to do your part but, this helps. Down a total of 50 pounds now and had hit a plateau, this broke through it. 4 pounds in 1 week. Will drink it everyday even when weight goal has been achieved. 9 to go 😀
Iaso Tea claims to flush the harmful toxins out from the upper and lower intestines to provide several different benefits. However, the human body has its own ability to breakdown and remove these toxins from namely the liver, kidneys, and skin. This leads us to believe that the detox properties of this tea don’t do as much for our body’s as we may think, but the benefits still won’t hurt. 
As a final word of caution: Select only the best brands of organic and natural detox teas. Many teas contain chemicals, heavy metals and pesticides which will negate your detox efforts. I would also like to take the opportunity to suggest that you keep changing and/or rotating your brands of detox teas as this will make your cleanse even more powerful. 

Research has found that drinking tea may help lower your risk of stroke and heart disease, lower your blood pressure, improve your mood, and even help with weight loss. There is still so much to learn about the detoxifying properties of teas and the many ingredients used in them. What we do know is that it tastes great, helps get healthy nutrients into your body, increases your water intake (which will help with weight loss and other water benefits), and may help ease some pains and inflammation. (5)