Dandelion leaf stimulates more urine production, causing excess fluid to leave your body tissues. In this way, it can help you lose water weight and reduce bloating. However, this ingredient may also have a light laxative effect, meaning that it will also increase bowel movements. It may have potential side effects including diarrhea, heartburn and stomach inflammation.l
Often used in detox teas and supplements, dandelion is a powerful natural ingredient that boosts the health of the urinary tract, kidney, and liver. This herbal tea from Kiss Me Organics features dandelion root as its primary ingredient, with the addition of Ceylon cinnamon and hibiscus — two delicious ingredients that also help stabilize blood pressure and blood sugar levels.
Honestly, this seemed to help out with my acne. It’s been clearing up over the past few months thanks to all of the Treeactiv products I found here on amazon, but after drinking this tea every day for a week, I noticed a drastic difference. I don’t think this tea by itself will cure acne, but I definitely think it contributed to my skin suddenly clearing up like it did. I do believe this product provided the final push I’ve been searching for. I drink 3-4 8oz every day. No skipping days. 3-4 cups. Everyday. No sweetener. No milk. Just straight tea. The taste isn’t bad at all, and you get used to it after a few days. It’s absolutely worth a try if you’re looking for something a little extra to help out on your skincare mission.
This product is absolutely horrible and made me feel worse than ever. I normally don't leave negative reviews but I feel like I'd be doing a disservice to people by not leaving this one. There's an insert inside the package that says if you share your opinion your next bag is free... so of course there are tons of glowing reviews to get more free product. But honestly I feel so bad on this I wouldn't request a second bag.
Tea is the beverage that I dearly wish to drink when its the reign of the chilling breeze outside. It is something that helps a lot when its too cold or all you can hear is the sound of nature’s water hitting the ground around called rain. This pleasing drink is enjoyed just because of nature’s vibe that is prevailing around or if the person is addicted to it. Do we give a thought about its benefits for the body and then drink it? Hardly we know any of the benefits.    

When used as directed and supplemented with a healthy diet devoid of red meat, sugar and greasy or deep fried foods, you can get all of the above health benefits of diet teas. Organic and natural detox teas support liver function and glutathione production. They also support gastrointestinal health and eliminate toxic overload rapidly from your body.
While the benefits are plentiful, there are some important side-effects that you should keep in mind when drinking these teas. For example, when drinking the Original EveryDay Detox Tea, you should consult your doctor before if you have a history of gallstones or other digestive issues. The EveryDay Detox Tea Lemon can cause allergic reactions in those who are allergic to stinging nettle, dandelion, or burdock root.