The original Iaso Instant Detox Tea already has a lot going for it when it comes to health and weight loss. It has a modest dose of caffeine per serving, is packed with antioxidants, and filled with natural ingredients to reach your personal goals. While the original product itself is already successful on its own, the company Total Life Changes decided to make the beverage product even better by adding CBD. 

It is essential to read reviews on the long term results of weight loss, which there is some information on. Most of the time, products like Iaso Tea help people stick to their healthy lifestyles more strictly to help the tea work better, and that does help to a great extent. As we have said many times before, no supplement, no special tea, or magic pill can do all of the work for you. However, some of these products can help make the results more significant; you just have to work with these products to see actual results.
After all of the holiday happy hours and celebrations, your body might need to hit the reset button. A natural detox tea will help get you back on track. Despite all the social media hype surrounding certain mysterious, non-FDA-approved "slimming teas," many of these products are actually laxatives in disguise that do not promote a healthy diet or weight-loss program.
Iaso Tea is an herbal tea made from natural and high-quality ingredients that claim to rid the body from toxins and aid in weight loss. However, there has been a lot of negative connotation over these types of teas because their “quick” weight loss results are proven to be from losing water weight instead of body mass. If you want more information on the specific products we made an article reviewing the Iaso Tea products in depth here. 
Both nutritionists we spoke to agree that drinking tea when you wake up and before bed can help your system rev up and calm down, depending on which variety you choose. If you're a tea fanatic, work in a few cups throughout the day: Unless you're sensitive to caffeine, you can probably handle five to seven cups a day without any negative side effects, says Lagano.
The boldest claim that Iaso Tea provides is that the tea can make you lose five pounds in five days. There is no actual research that proves detox teas can make you lose that amount of weight in such a short amount of time. Nor is it likely that your body could do such a thing in a short amount of time. The harsh reality of that claim is that if you do see fast weight loss results, it will be water weight and not body mass being lost. 
Nah, don’t be proud because I am talking about the detox teas (an end to your happiness, sorry). Well drinking any kind of tea is better than the coke and those cans of sugary juices and its quite possible that you must be drinking one of the detox teas. Check the list below, and if you drink none of these, you should highly consider replacing your current version of tea with any of these teas which helps in enhancing your body’s detoxification process.
Rooibos is a kind of tea, which is widely consumed in South Africa. It is high in antioxidants, as much as 50% more than green tea. It doesn’t have caffeine and is low in tannins which are thought to cause digestive issues. Though we weren’t able to find studies correlating to the benefits above, we did find a study to prove the antioxidant content compared to other teas.
There may be a lot of impressive results, reviews, and promising claims that Iaso tea really works and there may even some before and after pictures to really prove it to their customers. However, you can never know for sure if these reviews are entirely legitimate, and if the product really works for weight loss. As we have already gone over above, the Iaso Tea’s hefty claim of losing five pounds in five days guaranteed is just to good to be true. Most likely, any instant weight loss that is seen with the tea is the result of water weight loss and no actual body mass being lost. 

Nah, don’t be proud because I am talking about the detox teas (an end to your happiness, sorry). Well drinking any kind of tea is better than the coke and those cans of sugary juices and its quite possible that you must be drinking one of the detox teas. Check the list below, and if you drink none of these, you should highly consider replacing your current version of tea with any of these teas which helps in enhancing your body’s detoxification process.
I don’t normally write reviews but, this stuff deserves one. Not only does it do what it says it will, it tastes great! As with anything in life you have to do your part but, this helps. Down a total of 50 pounds now and had hit a plateau, this broke through it. 4 pounds in 1 week. Will drink it everyday even when weight goal has been achieved. 9 to go 😀

Research has found that drinking tea may help lower your risk of stroke and heart disease, lower your blood pressure, improve your mood, and even help with weight loss. There is still so much to learn about the detoxifying properties of teas and the many ingredients used in them. What we do know is that it tastes great, helps get healthy nutrients into your body, increases your water intake (which will help with weight loss and other water benefits), and may help ease some pains and inflammation. (5)