One of the biggest misconceptions when it comes to CBD is that anything made from hemp will get you high, which is not the case. CBD is made without THC, which is the component used to produce that high effect. When you are consuming CBD regularly, it is completely safe to drink, and regular consumption helps the body’s functions to work in a more balanced and efficient way.  
The original Iaso Instant Detox Tea already has a lot going for it when it comes to health and weight loss. It has a modest dose of caffeine per serving, is packed with antioxidants, and filled with natural ingredients to reach your personal goals. While the original product itself is already successful on its own, the company Total Life Changes decided to make the beverage product even better by adding CBD. 
The makers of Iaso Tea, total life changes tea, have claimed that their tea gives individuals a boost in physical energy and mental clarity as a result of the other benefits of the tea such as detoxification. This is because toxins are known to slow the body and impact the way your brain works. The tea can help restore mental clarity and deliver a decent amount of energy after you start to drink it over time. 

Today it is used as a diuretic that can assist in Iaso Tea’s primary purpose and weight loss secret, which is cleansing your body system. By utilizing and combining all of the tea’s nine natural herbs, the ingredients work to cleanse the digestive tract every time you consume it, which results in the body detoxing. As a result, your body gets healthier, and when combined with healthy eating and exercising consistently, your has a greater potential to lose weight. 
To understand how this beverage works, you first must be aware of the recommended consumption schedule. Consumers can drink up to 3 cups a day for 30 consecutive days. After this 30 day period, it is recommended that consumers cease drinking the detox beverage for at least one week in order to allow their bodies to settle and readjust to a routine without dependence on the beverage. After one week without Yogi Detox tea, you are allowed to once again incorporate it into your diet for another 30 days.
Detox teas can aid weight loss by improving the metabolic rate and decreasing water weight (by increasing the urinary output). Regular consumption of detox teas might offer positive results in terms of weight loss. However, it does not result in fat loss. You will need to make lifestyle changes, follow good food habits, and exercise, along with drinking detox teas, to lose fat.
When keep consuming unhealthy food our body collect toxins that can't go our easily. Detox teas contain specific blends of natural ingredients which flush these toxins and chemicals we are consuming out of our vital organs. Those herbs are extremely effective for reducing cholesterol, body fat, improve digestive system and help our body losing weight.