However, that’s not to say the tea doesn’t help with weight loss in general. When disregarding the fact that the tea is a natural diuretic and you will lose water weight in the first couple of days, there are signs of overall weight loss with consistent use of the tea. We must also state that when drinking the tea for weight loss, you must eat healthily and exercise consistently to see the full benefits. Like everything we recommend on our website, we like to reiterate the point that there is no magic weight loss pill or tea of any kind that can help you shed off pounds without putting in the work. 
Iaso Tea is a detox tea that helps your body lose weight through detoxing of the body and reducing appetite to prevent overeating. The tea provides these detoxing effects through its natural ingredients that provide detoxing or diuretic effects. You can lose weight and promote a healthy lifestyle for your body by drinking this tea on a daily basis over a period of time. 
The reason why laxatives and diuretics can be seen as unfavorable is that it can result in dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, diarrhea, and reliance on laxatives to open your bowels. These symptoms can result in short term weight loss, but only due to losing water weight and none from real fat loss. However, this tea does explicitly not promote that it works to lose weight only in the short term, but that it functions over time. 
We’re here to get to the bottom of the popular tea and examine all aspects including the ingredients, what it does for our bodies, their claims, and if it actually provides weight loss results. Iaso Tea has been singled out from all the other weight loss teas because of its completely natural ingredients and constant praise from customers, but are the claims valid?
After all of the holiday happy hours and celebrations, your body might need to hit the reset button. A natural detox tea will help get you back on track. Despite all the social media hype surrounding certain mysterious, non-FDA-approved "slimming teas," many of these products are actually laxatives in disguise that do not promote a healthy diet or weight-loss program.
Chocolate - Don’t you wish you could have chocolate and not gain the chocolate weight? Now you can! The rich chocolate flavor overwhelms your taste buds to create a truly satisfying experience. Every cup sends a smooth boost of energy that is perfect to push through the 2:30 feeling while the antioxidants help improve overall health. Immerse yourself in the decadence of this tea and you’ll never be the same again.
To understand how this beverage works, you first must be aware of the recommended consumption schedule. Consumers can drink up to 3 cups a day for 30 consecutive days. After this 30 day period, it is recommended that consumers cease drinking the detox beverage for at least one week in order to allow their bodies to settle and readjust to a routine without dependence on the beverage. After one week without Yogi Detox tea, you are allowed to once again incorporate it into your diet for another 30 days.
These are honest—and most importantly non-GM—ingredients. These pure and flavorful extracts contribute to the great taste and function of Traditional Medicinals EveryDay Detox tea. With detox tea, it is sometimes hard to find a drink that is both good and good for you. With these bags, you are guaranteed to have the perfect cup with a lot of great flavors every time.