By flushing out your lower and upper intestines, you clear the toxins from your system, which leads to better health. Now each herb listed in the ingredients of Iaso tea is meant to serve a purpose to create overall better health for yourself. Each of these herbs is put together to create Iaso Tea to aid weight loss and detox the body and for anyone who needs help in these areas. 
Does Yogi Detox tea clean your system? Absolutely. Throughout the day, you expose your body to unwanted toxins through the air you breathe and the food you consume. If you find that you don’t always make the best decisions for your physical health, Yogi Detox tea can help. The tea will assist your liver and kidneys in ridding your body of unhealthy impurities and toxins.
Iaso Tea is a detox tea that helps your body lose weight through detoxing of the body and reducing appetite to prevent overeating. The tea provides these detoxing effects through its natural ingredients that provide detoxing or diuretic effects. You can lose weight and promote a healthy lifestyle for your body by drinking this tea on a daily basis over a period of time. 
Iaso tea promotes that it only takes five days for the tea to start producing weight loss effects, however, this is not real weight loss results. This is a result of the loss of water weight due to the diuretics in the tea, but real bodyweight loss can be achieved through the tea. The tea works best over a period of time of consuming it daily while eating healthy and exercising consistently.  
But the potential for this product to induce weight loss doesn’t stop there. Consumers have reported weight loss when incorporating Yogi Detox tea into their diets. Its appetite-suppressing properties can make you feel less tempted to eat unhealthy, fattening foods that you might normally consume. In effect, this will cause you to eat less throughout the day, which in turn can lead to weight loss.
Whether you’re looking to treat acne or the occasional breakout, Yogi Skin DeTox is great. It’s organic, inexpensive and quite delicious when made into iced tea. But if you’re looking to clear up that monthly pimple or breakout brought on by your monthly cycle or from hormonal changes due to menopause you may want to try out The Republic of Tea’s Get Gorgeous as it helps reduce symptoms of PMS and menopause while clearing your skin.
These bags are tasty, reasonably priced, and made with quality and healthy ingredients that you and your digestive tract can be thankful for. As long as you heed the warnings for each blend, consult your doctor with any issues that you think may arise with this product, are mindful of what you put into your body, and exercise properly, your body (inside and out) will never be better than with Traditional Medicinals EveryDay Detox.
Iaso Tea’s side-effect is that you’ll have improved mental and physical energy. Chances are, the foods/drinks that the Iaso tea replaces are responsible for your morning brain fogs, afternoon fatigues, and lack of motivation. When you phase them out, you’ll “feel” life like you never have before. You’ll wake up in morning feeling energized and happy. You won’t experience those afternoon crashes. You’ll stop living life like a zombie and will finally be able to enjoy everything you do.

These are honest—and most importantly non-GM—ingredients. These pure and flavorful extracts contribute to the great taste and function of Traditional Medicinals EveryDay Detox tea. With detox tea, it is sometimes hard to find a drink that is both good and good for you. With these bags, you are guaranteed to have the perfect cup with a lot of great flavors every time.