Detox teas are essentially herbal teas used to detoxify the body. They have become an increasingly popular way for health-conscious people to detox after heavy foods, alcohol, drugs, and even their livers in general. In some ways, this practice of detoxification is nothing new, and neither is Traditional Medicinals Organic EveryDay Detox Tea, which is what makes it so effective. It draws on time-tested and proven methods to purify the body and even assist in weight loss.
Does Yogi Detox tea clean your system? Absolutely. Throughout the day, you expose your body to unwanted toxins through the air you breathe and the food you consume. If you find that you don’t always make the best decisions for your physical health, Yogi Detox tea can help. The tea will assist your liver and kidneys in ridding your body of unhealthy impurities and toxins.
Zero Tea is curated with ingredients that are time proven to help your body with the detoxifying process. Zero Tea is a delicious blend of organic and natural teas and spices that cleanse while boosting your metabolism and energy level. Zero Tea helps your body flush excess water that makes you feel sluggish and bloated without the harsh laxatives that other detox teas contain, it's the ultimate way to internally calm and cleanse your body.
Detox teas can aid weight loss by improving the metabolic rate and decreasing water weight (by increasing the urinary output). Regular consumption of detox teas might offer positive results in terms of weight loss. However, it does not result in fat loss. You will need to make lifestyle changes, follow good food habits, and exercise, along with drinking detox teas, to lose fat.
Both nutritionists we spoke to agree that drinking tea when you wake up and before bed can help your system rev up and calm down, depending on which variety you choose. If you're a tea fanatic, work in a few cups throughout the day: Unless you're sensitive to caffeine, you can probably handle five to seven cups a day without any negative side effects, says Lagano.
Same experience with Skinny Bunny Tea customer service. I paid for my order on Feb.17 and finally it is being shipped. I tried to contact someone with company this past Monday with no respond via email or cell. I called the company and it went straight to voicemail. I left a message and still no answer. Finally today after my order shipped, some guy named William emailed me and basically said they are having delays due to high demand. Just know, expect the wait!! I most likely will get my package next week. (2 weeks from order date). So I went on instagram and wrote what I just did, and they deleted my comment too. I called them out and they put it back up. But I have been trolling their account and telling people to expect their orders two weeks out. I will never purchase from them again.
Like I said in the beginning, this program stood out to me because it offered more than just tea. They had supplements and edit/workout plans to go along with the  tea! I really liked this because if you just sit on your butt all day, don’t change your eating habits and expect to lose a bunch of weight just by drinking tea, you aren’t going to like the results. Some people that have tried Skinny Bunny stopped before the 28 days was over because they already saw the results that they were looking for.
Whether you’re drinking it for a weight loss cleanse, to flush your system of toxins, or just because you like the taste, detox teas are a great way to drink more water and add antioxidants to your diet. Start slow, some tea detox products include natural laxatives, so it’s best you know how your body will react on one tea bag a day before increasing.
Basic green and black teas are rich in antioxidants (and matcha green tea is more than 100 times higher in one powerful antioxidant)-the secret behind boosting your natural cleansing process. "Antioxidants work to reduce the oxidative stress and free radicals in our body, too much of which can cause chronic inflammation and even mutate our DNA strains, leading to cancer and other chronic diseases," says Villacorta. is committed to providing information on natural and alternative health, but is not written by health care professionals. All material provided at is for informational purposes only, and is not to be taken as medical advice or recommendation. Any health concern or condition should be addressed by a doctor or other appropriate health care professional. The information and opinions found on this website are written based on the best data available at the time of writing, and are believed to be accurate according to the best discernment of the authors. Those who do not seek council from the appropriate health care authority assume the liability of any injury which may occur. Additionally, the opinions expressed at do not represent the views of each and every author or contributor to The publisher of this site is not responsible for any errors or omissions in any content herein.