Dandelion leaf stimulates more urine production, causing excess fluid to leave your body tissues. In this way, it can help you lose water weight and reduce bloating. However, this ingredient may also have a light laxative effect, meaning that it will also increase bowel movements. It may have potential side effects including diarrhea, heartburn and stomach inflammation.l
I’ve been taking these for a few days now and saw immediate results on the first day, my liver started hurting less and now it doesn’t hurt at all. I also noticed my face looked healthier and got that famous “glow” I only drink 1 cup a day because if I’m going to be completely honest, I’m not a big fan of the taste, but since it’s actually helping me, I don’t mind. 

Let me just start by saying this was the best choice I have made when trying to buy a product that lives up to the hype. The taste is super tasty no sugar needed. This really detoxed my system entirely, mind you normally I drink a lot of water during the day which is required in order to get better results. I also eat clean, which helps with trying to lose the pounds after I have given birth. I was stuck at a weight of 152 and even after I work out 4-5 times a week, I was getting no where. After drinking this tea for about a week I noticed this changed my hormone levels and removed the toxins in my system, thus helped getting me out of the plateau I was in and lost 3.5 pounds. I was stoked!! I knew it was because of this tea! I have my cup of tea in the morning after my workouts and drink water. Then I reuse the same tea bag and drink it before I go to bed. I rarely give reviews if ever. But thought this was worth one. Hope this helps anyone who is thinking of buying it.
But when it comes to detoxification, tea alone isn't enough for the job. "No one food, herb, or remedy has the ability to cure ailments or disease, nor does it have the ability to ‘detox' the body," says Manuel Villacorta, R.D, author of Whole Body Reboot: The Peruvian Superfoods Diet to Detoxify, Energize, and Supercharge Fat Loss. (This is also why you might want to hold off before trying to detox by drinking activated charcoal.)
On our website, we always promote eating healthy and exercising consistently, but there are several weight loss supplements out there that can genuinely help you in your journey. Iaso Tea is natural “detox” tea that can only provide real benefits if you put in the energy as well, such as eating a healthy diet, exercise consistently, and drinking the tea consistently. Weight loss won’t happen overnight, but over a period of time, you will see long term results that can last longer than the popular fad diets. 
The makers of Iaso Tea, total life changes tea, have claimed that their tea gives individuals a boost in physical energy and mental clarity as a result of the other benefits of the tea such as detoxification. This is because toxins are known to slow the body and impact the way your brain works. The tea can help restore mental clarity and deliver a decent amount of energy after you start to drink it over time. 
Honestly, this seemed to help out with my acne. It’s been clearing up over the past few months thanks to all of the Treeactiv products I found here on amazon, but after drinking this tea every day for a week, I noticed a drastic difference. I don’t think this tea by itself will cure acne, but I definitely think it contributed to my skin suddenly clearing up like it did. I do believe this product provided the final push I’ve been searching for. I drink 3-4 8oz every day. No skipping days. 3-4 cups. Everyday. No sweetener. No milk. Just straight tea. The taste isn’t bad at all, and you get used to it after a few days. It’s absolutely worth a try if you’re looking for something a little extra to help out on your skincare mission.
As mentioned in our previous guides, you need to be eating healthier and exercising more consistently to see these types of results. This is important because having a boost in these areas not only help in daily life but also to help you stay on track in your weight loss journey. Studies have shown that people who eat healthier and exercises more consistently are more likely to be happier and have greater wellbeing, which can’t be achieved from the drink alone.

Herbal teas have been an everyday staple around the world for many years now and have been used for its many health benefits. More recently, hemp tea has begun to show up in more health stores and local grocery stores for individual consumption. Hemp tea actually has a long history originating in Asia in which it is created from dried flowers and the leaves of the hemp plant. When harvested at the plants maturest, the cannabinoid content is at its richest, which is used in hemp teas. 
