When shopping for a weight loss/detox tea, it’s important to know the difference between a product that is a great value and one that is a higher price than it should be. Currently in the market, a great price for a detox tea is a little over $1.00 per serving. When teas start to go up to around $2.00 per serving or higher, they are considered pricy. And with anything far less than $1.00 per serving, we may start to question the quality of the teas.
But when it comes to detoxification, tea alone isn't enough for the job. "No one food, herb, or remedy has the ability to cure ailments or disease, nor does it have the ability to ‘detox' the body," says Manuel Villacorta, R.D, author of Whole Body Reboot: The Peruvian Superfoods Diet to Detoxify, Energize, and Supercharge Fat Loss. (This is also why you might want to hold off before trying to detox by drinking activated charcoal.)
Basic green and black teas are rich in antioxidants (and matcha green tea is more than 100 times higher in one powerful antioxidant)-the secret behind boosting your natural cleansing process. "Antioxidants work to reduce the oxidative stress and free radicals in our body, too much of which can cause chronic inflammation and even mutate our DNA strains, leading to cancer and other chronic diseases," says Villacorta. 

To understand how this beverage works, you first must be aware of the recommended consumption schedule. Consumers can drink up to 3 cups a day for 30 consecutive days. After this 30 day period, it is recommended that consumers cease drinking the detox beverage for at least one week in order to allow their bodies to settle and readjust to a routine without dependence on the beverage. After one week without Yogi Detox tea, you are allowed to once again incorporate it into your diet for another 30 days.
Rooibos is a kind of tea, which is widely consumed in South Africa. It is high in antioxidants, as much as 50% more than green tea. It doesn’t have caffeine and is low in tannins which are thought to cause digestive issues. Though we weren’t able to find studies correlating to the benefits above, we did find a study to prove the antioxidant content compared to other teas.
The ingredients in these teas such as turmeric, apple cider vinegar among others are the major forces behind improving your body’s detoxification. And if you want to lose weight fast then detoxification is very much necessary because this is something that cleanses your body of the toxic substances which have accumulated in the body. This phenomenon ultimately promotes weight loss.
Iaso Tea claims to detox your body to help with losing weight more efficiently and clearing your body of harmful toxins. Their claims of purifying the blood and regulating bowel function also go into this category as well. The claim also seems a bit bold to us since the human body has it’s very own way of breaking down and removing these toxins such as our liver, kidneys, and skin. There isn’t much research done to prove that our body needs extra help with these functions, which makes it a bit useless. 
Research has found that drinking tea may help lower your risk of stroke and heart disease, lower your blood pressure, improve your mood, and even help with weight loss. There is still so much to learn about the detoxifying properties of teas and the many ingredients used in them. What we do know is that it tastes great, helps get healthy nutrients into your body, increases your water intake (which will help with weight loss and other water benefits), and may help ease some pains and inflammation. (5)