Detox teas can aid weight loss by improving the metabolic rate and decreasing water weight (by increasing the urinary output). Regular consumption of detox teas might offer positive results in terms of weight loss. However, it does not result in fat loss. You will need to make lifestyle changes, follow good food habits, and exercise, along with drinking detox teas, to lose fat.
These teas may be useful for promoting detox, but as constituted the teas are not likely to be effective for significant weight loss. Nevertheless, our research team conducted a thorough investigation on the combination of herbs present in the Yogi Detox Tea. Our findings, as well as the truth behind the effectiveness of this tea, can be found below.

Whether you’re drinking it for a weight loss cleanse, to flush your system of toxins, or just because you like the taste, detox teas are a great way to drink more water and add antioxidants to your diet. Start slow, some tea detox products include natural laxatives, so it’s best you know how your body will react on one tea bag a day before increasing.
Total Tea Gentle Detox tastes great and is fast-acting. Initially, you may have to go to the washroom frequently as the tea first cleanses the colon. After 2-3 days, bloating and any discomfort will disappear. You will also start to notice an improvement in your energy levels and productivity. Soon after, you will see visible changes in your appearance, get a flat tummy, and be highly motivated to eat and live healthily.
To understand how this beverage works, you first must be aware of the recommended consumption schedule. Consumers can drink up to 3 cups a day for 30 consecutive days. After this 30 day period, it is recommended that consumers cease drinking the detox beverage for at least one week in order to allow their bodies to settle and readjust to a routine without dependence on the beverage. After one week without Yogi Detox tea, you are allowed to once again incorporate it into your diet for another 30 days.

Often used in detox teas and supplements, dandelion is a powerful natural ingredient that boosts the health of the urinary tract, kidney, and liver. This herbal tea from Kiss Me Organics features dandelion root as its primary ingredient, with the addition of Ceylon cinnamon and hibiscus — two delicious ingredients that also help stabilize blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

Iaso tea claims to provide a boost in mental and physical energy as a result of all the “detoxifying” and “weight loss aid” effects. This is one of the more believable claims (along with natural weight loss) since the tea itself becomes a big motivator for people to be healthier. Not only is the tea packed full of healthy, antioxidant-packed ingredients, but as you start eating healthy and exercising consistently, you become more energized naturally. 
The nettle tea made from stinging nettle leaves helps the body, especially the kidney and liver in eliminating the toxins. Stinging nettle leaves are a diuretic and have been used for a long time to treat muscle and joint pains such as in the case of arthritis. So if you are a patient of any of these problems, you should not mind trying nettle tea after consulting your doctor. 
Note: Detox teas aren’t regulated by the FDA and may contain ingredients or additives that may be detrimental to your health in the long run. Excessive consumption of detox teas may lead to bloating, dehydration, diarrhea, electrolyte imbalance, gas, and nausea. Hence, it is important to consult a dietitian before going for detox teas, especially if you want to lose weight.
I’ve been taking these for a few days now and saw immediate results on the first day, my liver started hurting less and now it doesn’t hurt at all. I also noticed my face looked healthier and got that famous “glow” I only drink 1 cup a day because if I’m going to be completely honest, I’m not a big fan of the taste, but since it’s actually helping me, I don’t mind.
Packed with powerful herbal ingredients including senna leaf and root, hawthorn berry extract, lotus leaf, and rhubarb, this detox tea 2-pack from Teami targets colon health and the digestive tract. If your goal is to detox and cleanse, rid your body of excess waste, and reach health and weight-loss goals, this potent detox tea set will help you get there.
Eases Everyday Stress And Improves Mood. Everyday stress is very common in everyday life when it comes to juggling work, at home demands, and personal health. Consuming hemp has been shown to help with stress by producing a calming and relaxing feeling during stressful times in your day. These benefits can be explained in the numerous components of the cannabis plant, which contains antioxidants that help repair cells and protect them from damage. CBD is also shown to reduce cortisol production in the body, which helps reduce the effects of stress. The essential fatty acids in hemp are also proved to be crucial to mood regulation by regulating the release of neurotransmitters in your brain. 
However, the tea has been shown to provide weight loss results over a period of time and for the long term. The tea is recommended to be taken along with eating healthy and keeping a consistent exercise plan to see significant weight loss results. As we have said multiple times on this site, there is no such thing as a magical pill or tea that will shed the pound off without us putting any effort in.
I’ve been taking these for a few days now and saw immediate results on the first day, my liver started hurting less and now it doesn’t hurt at all. I also noticed my face looked healthier and got that famous “glow” I only drink 1 cup a day because if I’m going to be completely honest, I’m not a big fan of the taste, but since it’s actually helping me, I don’t mind.