However, that’s not to say the tea doesn’t help with weight loss in general. When disregarding the fact that the tea is a natural diuretic and you will lose water weight in the first couple of days, there are signs of overall weight loss with consistent use of the tea. We must also state that when drinking the tea for weight loss, you must eat healthily and exercise consistently to see the full benefits. Like everything we recommend on our website, we like to reiterate the point that there is no magic weight loss pill or tea of any kind that can help you shed off pounds without putting in the work. 
Eases Everyday Stress And Improves Mood. Everyday stress is very common in everyday life when it comes to juggling work, at home demands, and personal health. Consuming hemp has been shown to help with stress by producing a calming and relaxing feeling during stressful times in your day. These benefits can be explained in the numerous components of the cannabis plant, which contains antioxidants that help repair cells and protect them from damage. CBD is also shown to reduce cortisol production in the body, which helps reduce the effects of stress. The essential fatty acids in hemp are also proved to be crucial to mood regulation by regulating the release of neurotransmitters in your brain. 
When shopping for a weight loss/detox tea, it’s important to know the difference between a product that is a great value and one that is a higher price than it should be. Currently in the market, a great price for a detox tea is a little over $1.00 per serving. When teas start to go up to around $2.00 per serving or higher, they are considered pricy. And with anything far less than $1.00 per serving, we may start to question the quality of the teas.
Chocolate - Don’t you wish you could have chocolate and not gain the chocolate weight? Now you can! The rich chocolate flavor overwhelms your taste buds to create a truly satisfying experience. Every cup sends a smooth boost of energy that is perfect to push through the 2:30 feeling while the antioxidants help improve overall health. Immerse yourself in the decadence of this tea and you’ll never be the same again.
As long as I can remember, I’ve struggled with stomach issues. As I got older, I started to get horrible acid reflux. I would take Zantac, Nexium, etc and it would never completely take the edge off. One day I picked up this tea on a whim and it CHANGED MY LIFE. I have not had acid reflux at all since I’ve started drinking this tea. I even tested it by taking a break from drinking this tea and the acid reflux instantly comes back.
Supports Restful Sleep. There are many natural ways that you can promote sleep in your daily life, such as changing your lifestyle and nutrition, but what most people don’t know is that hemp extract can help as well. Research suggests that the cannabidiol in hemp can promote restful sleep, even for those who struggle with sleep or have insomnia. CBD oil is well known to also assist with pain, stress, and anxiety, which can all be related to a poor sleep regimen or be effected by said things. 
When used as directed and supplemented with a healthy diet devoid of red meat, sugar and greasy or deep fried foods, you can get all of the above health benefits of diet teas. Organic and natural detox teas support liver function and glutathione production. They also support gastrointestinal health and eliminate toxic overload rapidly from your body.
To understand how this beverage works, you first must be aware of the recommended consumption schedule. Consumers can drink up to 3 cups a day for 30 consecutive days. After this 30 day period, it is recommended that consumers cease drinking the detox beverage for at least one week in order to allow their bodies to settle and readjust to a routine without dependence on the beverage. After one week without Yogi Detox tea, you are allowed to once again incorporate it into your diet for another 30 days.
The nettle tea made from stinging nettle leaves helps the body, especially the kidney and liver in eliminating the toxins. Stinging nettle leaves are a diuretic and have been used for a long time to treat muscle and joint pains such as in the case of arthritis. So if you are a patient of any of these problems, you should not mind trying nettle tea after consulting your doctor. 
Whether you’re looking to treat acne or the occasional breakout, Yogi Skin DeTox is great. It’s organic, inexpensive and quite delicious when made into iced tea. But if you’re looking to clear up that monthly pimple or breakout brought on by your monthly cycle or from hormonal changes due to menopause you may want to try out The Republic of Tea’s Get Gorgeous as it helps reduce symptoms of PMS and menopause while clearing your skin.
The aforementioned, best detox tea brands contain gentle herbal ingredients that can jumpstart your sluggish metabolism and also help you get started on your path to wellness. The best part is that these different diet tea brands are delicious and also you won’t feel guilty while drinking them - you know you are doing your body a world of good with these 0 calorie beverages. Better still is the fact that they reduce unhealthy sugar cravings and binge eating.
​Lemongrass - Lemongrass is a plant that has oils which have been used for medicine. Asian food also sometimes use it as a boost of flavor. There has been a lot of buzz around lemongrass for all sorts of health benefits but so far there hasnt been any conclusive resulst found. So I would just say it could be a nice addition to your body and helps with the flavor. 
Research has found that drinking tea may help lower your risk of stroke and heart disease, lower your blood pressure, improve your mood, and even help with weight loss. There is still so much to learn about the detoxifying properties of teas and the many ingredients used in them. What we do know is that it tastes great, helps get healthy nutrients into your body, increases your water intake (which will help with weight loss and other water benefits), and may help ease some pains and inflammation. (5)