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I have been taking the peach Yogi detox tea for only 4 days. First, the peach flavor is poor noun exsisting … secondly as I come to discover this tea will start your menstrual flow early and without warning.. mine started 10 days early I was very upset about that which any female will be .. the tea doesn’t have any side effects or warnings that comes with it…I found out about your period starting early drinking Yogi detox tea by seeing it on another tea website reviews and several females made a review about the Yogi detox tea..thirdly, I wouldn’t recommend this tea to no female because there is MAJOR SIDE EFFECTS that happens to a female body that needs to be on the packages ..please research this tea before use.. you may have to go on other detox tea reviews just to get diffent side effect info about the yogi tea besides the ones yogi tea is listing
Samantha, yes absolutely! We don’t ever recommend “starve yourself” detoxes. There is a much healthier way to achieve great results than depriving your body of nutrients for a few days. I would recommend sticking to lighter foods though. You can detox from specific things such as sugar and carbs or you can try a smoothie/juice detox. Just try to fill up on salads and veggies rather than heavier stuff like meats during a detox. I hope that helps!
I don’t normally write reviews but, this stuff deserves one. Not only does it do what it says it will, it tastes great! As with anything in life you have to do your part but, this helps. Down a total of 50 pounds now and had hit a plateau, this broke through it. 4 pounds in 1 week. Will drink it everyday even when weight goal has been achieved. 9 to go 😀
However, it’s not the detoxifying actions that necessarily make this tea useful in this category. Since most teas like to advertise “detoxifying” type products to turn heads, they leave out the benefits that matter the most. Many of the ingredients of the tea, such as papaya and myrrh, have gastric healing and antimicrobial properties. As well as almost all of the ingredients have potent antioxidants that not only rid our body of impurities and free-radicals but helps our skin from aging and our bodies from becoming ill. 
As mentioned in our previous guides, you need to be eating healthier and exercising more consistently to see these types of results. This is important because having a boost in these areas not only help in daily life but also to help you stay on track in your weight loss journey. Studies have shown that people who eat healthier and exercises more consistently are more likely to be happier and have greater wellbeing, which can’t be achieved from the drink alone.
However, it’s not the detoxifying actions that necessarily make this tea useful in this category. Since most teas like to advertise “detoxifying” type products to turn heads, they leave out the benefits that matter the most. Many of the ingredients of the tea, such as papaya and myrrh, have gastric healing and antimicrobial properties. As well as almost all of the ingredients have potent antioxidants that not only rid our body of impurities and free-radicals but helps our skin from aging and our bodies from becoming ill. 

Iaso Tea is a detox tea that helps your body lose weight through detoxing of the body and reducing appetite to prevent overeating. The tea provides these detoxing effects through its natural ingredients that provide detoxing or diuretic effects. You can lose weight and promote a healthy lifestyle for your body by drinking this tea on a daily basis over a period of time. 

These teas may be useful for promoting detox, but as constituted the teas are not likely to be effective for significant weight loss. Nevertheless, our research team conducted a thorough investigation on the combination of herbs present in the Yogi Detox Tea. Our findings, as well as the truth behind the effectiveness of this tea, can be found below.

Samantha, yes absolutely! We don’t ever recommend “starve yourself” detoxes. There is a much healthier way to achieve great results than depriving your body of nutrients for a few days. I would recommend sticking to lighter foods though. You can detox from specific things such as sugar and carbs or you can try a smoothie/juice detox. Just try to fill up on salads and veggies rather than heavier stuff like meats during a detox. I hope that helps!