To understand how this beverage works, you first must be aware of the recommended consumption schedule. Consumers can drink up to 3 cups a day for 30 consecutive days. After this 30 day period, it is recommended that consumers cease drinking the detox beverage for at least one week in order to allow their bodies to settle and readjust to a routine without dependence on the beverage. After one week without Yogi Detox tea, you are allowed to once again incorporate it into your diet for another 30 days.
Iaso Tea’s side-effect is that you’ll have improved mental and physical energy. Chances are, the foods/drinks that the Iaso tea replaces are responsible for your morning brain fogs, afternoon fatigues, and lack of motivation. When you phase them out, you’ll “feel” life like you never have before. You’ll wake up in morning feeling energized and happy. You won’t experience those afternoon crashes. You’ll stop living life like a zombie and will finally be able to enjoy everything you do.
Holy Thistle. Holy thistle is known to detoxify the liver, treat hormone balance, and help with arthritis. This ingredient has been used in traditional medicine for over 2000 years to treat a wide array of medical issues. The detoxifying claims are made since Holy thistle contains Silymarin, which is a flavonoid that is known to help protect the liver. 
Note: Detox teas aren’t regulated by the FDA and may contain ingredients or additives that may be detrimental to your health in the long run. Excessive consumption of detox teas may lead to bloating, dehydration, diarrhea, electrolyte imbalance, gas, and nausea. Hence, it is important to consult a dietitian before going for detox teas, especially if you want to lose weight.

Organic tea is well known as one of the healthiest beverages that we can consume, and it can provide a lot of benefits for our body. It didn’t take long for the weight loss industry to see the drink’s potential and turn it a “diet” or “detox” product for individuals to use. If you want to read a more in-depth review about the products of Iaso Tea we made an article here that will provide all the information you’ll need. Iaso Tea is one of those detox or weight-loss teas on the market that makes hefty claims of rapid weight loss and overall health benefits, but are these claims valid? 

Tropical Chamomile Tea - With its blend of chamomile, lemon myrtle and rose hips, this delicate tea is perfect as a mid-day treat or a nightcap. This calming, individually packed tea is perfect for de-stressing after a hectic afternoon or winding down at the end of the day. It has a delicate taste and a beautiful aroma that will make tea time your favorite time of day.
But there is a need for additional research to prove that they are able to eliminate toxins from your body. Because of this, we like to concentrate on the “getting healthy and feeling healthy” aspects of detox tea, and don’t count on them only to remove toxins. If they do, great, but what we want here are herbs that help boost metabolism, give you energy and clear up your skin. Any detox cleanse effects are just a bonus.

Research has found that drinking tea may help lower your risk of stroke and heart disease, lower your blood pressure, improve your mood, and even help with weight loss. There is still so much to learn about the detoxifying properties of teas and the many ingredients used in them. What we do know is that it tastes great, helps get healthy nutrients into your body, increases your water intake (which will help with weight loss and other water benefits), and may help ease some pains and inflammation. (5)