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Honestly, this seemed to help out with my acne. It’s been clearing up over the past few months thanks to all of the Treeactiv products I found here on amazon, but after drinking this tea every day for a week, I noticed a drastic difference. I don’t think this tea by itself will cure acne, but I definitely think it contributed to my skin suddenly clearing up like it did. I do believe this product provided the final push I’ve been searching for. I drink 3-4 8oz every day. No skipping days. 3-4 cups. Everyday. No sweetener. No milk. Just straight tea. The taste isn’t bad at all, and you get used to it after a few days. It’s absolutely worth a try if you’re looking for something a little extra to help out on your skincare mission.
The reason why laxatives and diuretics can be seen as unfavorable is that it can result in dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, diarrhea, and reliance on laxatives to open your bowels. These symptoms can result in short term weight loss, but only due to losing water weight and none from real fat loss. However, this tea does explicitly not promote that it works to lose weight only in the short term, but that it functions over time. 

Tea is the beverage that I dearly wish to drink when its the reign of the chilling breeze outside. It is something that helps a lot when its too cold or all you can hear is the sound of nature’s water hitting the ground around called rain. This pleasing drink is enjoyed just because of nature’s vibe that is prevailing around or if the person is addicted to it. Do we give a thought about its benefits for the body and then drink it? Hardly we know any of the benefits.   
But there is a need for additional research to prove that they are able to eliminate toxins from your body. Because of this, we like to concentrate on the “getting healthy and feeling healthy” aspects of detox tea, and don’t count on them only to remove toxins. If they do, great, but what we want here are herbs that help boost metabolism, give you energy and clear up your skin. Any detox cleanse effects are just a bonus.
Herbal teas have been an everyday staple around the world for many years now and have been used for its many health benefits. More recently, hemp tea has begun to show up in more health stores and local grocery stores for individual consumption. Hemp tea actually has a long history originating in Asia in which it is created from dried flowers and the leaves of the hemp plant. When harvested at the plants maturest, the cannabinoid content is at its richest, which is used in hemp teas. 

I’ve been taking these for a few days now and saw immediate results on the first day, my liver started hurting less and now it doesn’t hurt at all. I also noticed my face looked healthier and got that famous “glow” I only drink 1 cup a day because if I’m going to be completely honest, I’m not a big fan of the taste, but since it’s actually helping me, I don’t mind.