There are a few options on what you can buy and this is great because can get a detox program that will work best for you. You can view the complete selection at the official website shop here. If you are specifically looking for weight loss I would recommend the Ultimate package that includes both the tea and supplements ($80.00). If you just want a cleanse and detox the body I would pick the tea option without the supplements ($55.00). 
Supports Restful Sleep. There are many natural ways that you can promote sleep in your daily life, such as changing your lifestyle and nutrition, but what most people don’t know is that hemp extract can help as well. Research suggests that the cannabidiol in hemp can promote restful sleep, even for those who struggle with sleep or have insomnia. CBD oil is well known to also assist with pain, stress, and anxiety, which can all be related to a poor sleep regimen or be effected by said things. 
Basic green and black teas are rich in antioxidants (and matcha green tea is more than 100 times higher in one powerful antioxidant)-the secret behind boosting your natural cleansing process. "Antioxidants work to reduce the oxidative stress and free radicals in our body, too much of which can cause chronic inflammation and even mutate our DNA strains, leading to cancer and other chronic diseases," says Villacorta.
But when it comes to detoxification, tea alone isn't enough for the job. "No one food, herb, or remedy has the ability to cure ailments or disease, nor does it have the ability to ‘detox' the body," says Manuel Villacorta, R.D, author of Whole Body Reboot: The Peruvian Superfoods Diet to Detoxify, Energize, and Supercharge Fat Loss. (This is also why you might want to hold off before trying to detox by drinking activated charcoal.)
While the benefits are plentiful, there are some important side-effects that you should keep in mind when drinking these teas. For example, when drinking the Original EveryDay Detox Tea, you should consult your doctor before if you have a history of gallstones or other digestive issues. The EveryDay Detox Tea Lemon can cause allergic reactions in those who are allergic to stinging nettle, dandelion, or burdock root.