The nettle tea made from stinging nettle leaves helps the body, especially the kidney and liver in eliminating the toxins. Stinging nettle leaves are a diuretic and have been used for a long time to treat muscle and joint pains such as in the case of arthritis. So if you are a patient of any of these problems, you should not mind trying nettle tea after consulting your doctor.  

Zero Tea is curated with ingredients that are time proven to help your body with the detoxifying process. Zero Tea is a delicious blend of organic and natural teas and spices that cleanse while boosting your metabolism and energy level. Zero Tea helps your body flush excess water that makes you feel sluggish and bloated without the harsh laxatives that other detox teas contain, it's the ultimate way to internally calm and cleanse your body.

Since starting my fitness revolution one of my keys to maintaining success has been to not drink my calories. This has been very difficult because most of the beverages on the market taste great, but they are chock full of calories and added sugar. Obviously we need to stay away from soda-pop but even some of the healthier choices still don't cut it.
Rooibos is a kind of tea, which is widely consumed in South Africa. It is high in antioxidants, as much as 50% more than green tea. It doesn’t have caffeine and is low in tannins which are thought to cause digestive issues. Though we weren’t able to find studies correlating to the benefits above, we did find a study to prove the antioxidant content compared to other teas.

Both nutritionists we spoke to agree that drinking tea when you wake up and before bed can help your system rev up and calm down, depending on which variety you choose. If you're a tea fanatic, work in a few cups throughout the day: Unless you're sensitive to caffeine, you can probably handle five to seven cups a day without any negative side effects, says Lagano.
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