Since Iaso Tea contains chamomile, an herb that is shown to provide sleep-aiding benefits, and it has no caffeine, we can start to believe their claim of better sleep to be true. Chamomile has been praised for its relaxing and sleep-promoting effects on its own, and in the tea, as it also works synergistically with the other ingredients to work better. The “detoxifying” effects of the tea are also supposed to promote relaxation as well. 
To understand how this beverage works, you first must be aware of the recommended consumption schedule. Consumers can drink up to 3 cups a day for 30 consecutive days. After this 30 day period, it is recommended that consumers cease drinking the detox beverage for at least one week in order to allow their bodies to settle and readjust to a routine without dependence on the beverage. After one week without Yogi Detox tea, you are allowed to once again incorporate it into your diet for another 30 days.

Calendula is a genus of plants that includes the common marigold. The edible petals of the Calendula species are used in salads. Calendula extract may have antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties, but more clinical trials involving humans need to be conducted. Calendula is used in alternative medicine to treat wounds and acne, but there is little evidence to support using Calendula topically.

† This site is a free online resource that offers valuable content and comparison features to consumers in the detox tea market. It’s a place people can chat & share their experiences. If you find this site useful please use the links we provide here. The affiliate referral revenue we get is how fund this site. Thank you and welcome to DetoxTeaReviews. (Full Disclaimer)

Note: Detox teas aren’t regulated by the FDA and may contain ingredients or additives that may be detrimental to your health in the long run. Excessive consumption of detox teas may lead to bloating, dehydration, diarrhea, electrolyte imbalance, gas, and nausea. Hence, it is important to consult a dietitian before going for detox teas, especially if you want to lose weight.

Often used in detox teas and supplements, dandelion is a powerful natural ingredient that boosts the health of the urinary tract, kidney, and liver. This herbal tea from Kiss Me Organics features dandelion root as its primary ingredient, with the addition of Ceylon cinnamon and hibiscus — two delicious ingredients that also help stabilize blood pressure and blood sugar levels.
​Lemongrass - Lemongrass is a plant that has oils which have been used for medicine. Asian food also sometimes use it as a boost of flavor. There has been a lot of buzz around lemongrass for all sorts of health benefits but so far there hasnt been any conclusive resulst found. So I would just say it could be a nice addition to your body and helps with the flavor. 

By flushing out your lower and upper intestines, you clear the toxins from your system, which leads to better health. Now each herb listed in the ingredients of Iaso tea is meant to serve a purpose to create overall better health for yourself. Each of these herbs is put together to create Iaso Tea to aid weight loss and detox the body and for anyone who needs help in these areas. 
When used as directed and supplemented with a healthy diet devoid of red meat, sugar and greasy or deep fried foods, you can get all of the above health benefits of diet teas. Organic and natural detox teas support liver function and glutathione production. They also support gastrointestinal health and eliminate toxic overload rapidly from your body.
I absolutely LOVE this tea! I drink about 3-4 hot cups a day... with a touch of honey, a squeeze of fresh lemon and a sprig of fresh mint, it is absolutely the best! I've had it by itself without anything added and it's still absolutely the best! I've also noticed that when I drink it on a regular basis, my tummy feels flatter and my body and mind feel cleaner. I've yet to try it as an iced tea but, I think that I'll do that tomorrow and I'm sure that it will be as good cold as it is hot! I love the fact that I can buy it on Amazon in bulk for such a great price! I'm a Yogi Peach Detox fan and I'll be a customer for life!
I have experienced exactly the same. I bought Yogi Berry DeTox and after just the second day (one cup per day) I could not sleep a minute. It kept me up all night despite that there are no stimulants (e.g. caffeine) in this version of the tea, or at least none is indicated on the label. It seems that some of us just might be sensitive to some of the ingredients.
As long as I can remember, I’ve struggled with stomach issues. As I got older, I started to get horrible acid reflux. I would take Zantac, Nexium, etc and it would never completely take the edge off. One day I picked up this tea on a whim and it CHANGED MY LIFE. I have not had acid reflux at all since I’ve started drinking this tea. I even tested it by taking a break from drinking this tea and the acid reflux instantly comes back.
Iaso tea claims to provide a boost in mental and physical energy as a result of all the “detoxifying” and “weight loss aid” effects. This is one of the more believable claims (along with natural weight loss) since the tea itself becomes a big motivator for people to be healthier. Not only is the tea packed full of healthy, antioxidant-packed ingredients, but as you start eating healthy and exercising consistently, you become more energized naturally. 
If you use a good acne clearing facial cleanser and toner, wash your face before bed and in the morning, drink lots of water, and yet still seem to have acne or an occasional breakout, a skin cleansing detox might be a way for you to cleanse from the inside. Some people drink these teas all month long and others during breakouts or monthly hormonal breakouts.
† This site is a free online resource that offers valuable content and comparison features to consumers in the detox tea market. It’s a place people can chat & share their experiences. If you find this site useful please use the links we provide here. The affiliate referral revenue we get is how fund this site. Thank you and welcome to DetoxTeaReviews. (Full Disclaimer)
If you do choose to try a tea detox, the most important aspect isn't the kind of healthy tea you choose-it's what else you eat: "Tea can only be medicinal and detoxifying if your diet isn't taxing your system, which most American meals are guilty of," says Lagano. In order to truly detoxify your body, cut processed and fried foods, and up your intake of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and anti-inflammatory fats like avocados and almonds, says Villacorta. Once your diet is clean and gentle on your body, detoxifying teas can begin to enhance your natural organ function.
Iaso Tea’s side-effect is that you’ll have improved mental and physical energy. Chances are, the foods/drinks that the Iaso tea replaces are responsible for your morning brain fogs, afternoon fatigues, and lack of motivation. When you phase them out, you’ll “feel” life like you never have before. You’ll wake up in morning feeling energized and happy. You won’t experience those afternoon crashes. You’ll stop living life like a zombie and will finally be able to enjoy everything you do.
Tropical Chamomile Tea - With its blend of chamomile, lemon myrtle and rose hips, this delicate tea is perfect as a mid-day treat or a nightcap. This calming, individually packed tea is perfect for de-stressing after a hectic afternoon or winding down at the end of the day. It has a delicate taste and a beautiful aroma that will make tea time your favorite time of day.