The ingredients in these teas such as turmeric, apple cider vinegar among others are the major forces behind improving your body’s detoxification. And if you want to lose weight fast then detoxification is very much necessary because this is something that cleanses your body of the toxic substances which have accumulated in the body. This phenomenon ultimately promotes weight loss.
While the benefits are plentiful, there are some important side-effects that you should keep in mind when drinking these teas. For example, when drinking the Original EveryDay Detox Tea, you should consult your doctor before if you have a history of gallstones or other digestive issues. The EveryDay Detox Tea Lemon can cause allergic reactions in those who are allergic to stinging nettle, dandelion, or burdock root.
As long as I can remember, I’ve struggled with stomach issues. As I got older, I started to get horrible acid reflux. I would take Zantac, Nexium, etc and it would never completely take the edge off. One day I picked up this tea on a whim and it CHANGED MY LIFE. I have not had acid reflux at all since I’ve started drinking this tea. I even tested it by taking a break from drinking this tea and the acid reflux instantly comes back.
I’ve been taking these for a few days now and saw immediate results on the first day, my liver started hurting less and now it doesn’t hurt at all. I also noticed my face looked healthier and got that famous “glow” I only drink 1 cup a day because if I’m going to be completely honest, I’m not a big fan of the taste, but since it’s actually helping me, I don’t mind.